18日,意大利名厨Francesco Mazzei现身意大利馆,为嘉宾们献上了一场厨艺秀,展示了他绝妙的手艺。意大利面是加菲猫的最爱,估计也是不少人的最爱,但是我们自己的拉面也很好吃哦,今天就来学学用英语(论坛)如何介绍拉面吧。
大家估计对满大街的兰州拉面都很熟悉吧,“拉面”这个词在英语中,也是用拼音来翻译的,然后加注解:La mian,a type of hand-made or hand-pulled Chinese noodle.
There are several styles of twistingthe doughbut they all employ the same concept: a piece of dough is repeatedly stretched and folded onto itself in order to align the glutensand warm up the dough for stretching.
This dough is then pulled to about an arm span's length. The puller then makes a loopwith the dough, joining the two ends into one clumpof dough, and inserts his fingers into the loop to keep the strandfrom sticking to itself. Doing this, the pull has doubled the length of the dough while fractioningits thickness. This process is repeated several times until the desired thickness and quantity is achieved.
兰州拉面的种类还包括刀削面:knife-sliced noodles,以及泡馍:steamedbread dipped in soup。
同时,thick rice noodles,河粉,以及rice vermicelli,或者thin rice noodles,米粉,也是noodle这个概念下面的分类。还有我们经常食用的粉丝,这里的翻译就不是fans啦,而是Cellophanenoodles,或者 sweet potatovermicell。 |