常规楼盘命名方式,我们归纳为四种:1.扣住建筑,独一无二;2.不言建筑,山水评价;3.总体印象,荣耀地标;4.引导消费,购房满足。其中的四大原则利于实际操作:1.简约凝练、诗情画意;2. 以实表虚,虚实相济;3. 传统审美,定势吉祥;4. 区隔体现,突出卖点。
As the carrier of the building culture, real estate fields need lots of unique, pretty and bright names to decorate human beings’ living environment that is quite influential in every aspect, like location, design, and construction. An impressive name naturally accommodates the relative markets, consumers, salesladies, exploiters and dealers so that the names highlight the shining parts of cities, glorious all over all corners.
Building naming is a necessary step in marketing, because it is not only a mark to show its image but also shows the uniqueness and difference from other buildings, which has become a principle during the whole marketing process. |